NEWS - St John the Evangelist, Coolock

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Past Events

On Sunday 9th February,
our Rector, the Rev. Kevin Ronné
was the preacher in St Patrick's Cathedral at
the 3.15pm Choral Evensong Service to mark
'Racial Justice Sunday'.

The theme for this year:
'Coat of Many Colours'.

The members and leaders of G4J (our Sunday Club for young people) gave their annual Christmas Nativity  Presentation at our Morning Service on Sunday 22nd December. Congratulations to those who narrated the story and led us in prayer (and dressed up for the occasion). Thank you also to the leaders for thheir leadership skills.
We were delighted to have the pupils and teachers from our parish school, Springdale National School, for their Christmas Service in St John's on Friday 20th December.
Thank you to all who came to our Community Carol Service in 2024. It was an evening of singing, prayers and readings in the form of "The Nine Lessons and Carols", telling the story of Christ’s birth.  Afterwards, we met up in the Hall for food and chat with friends, old and new.
The church was decorated on Sunday 6th October with flowers and produce, reminding us of God's bountiful goodness to us all. Our thanks to all who put the displays together and to the members of the Music Group, Icthus.
Your Gifts at Harvest
As in previous years, we welcomed donations of
Fruit, Veg, and Foodstuffs,
which have been donated to
The Capuchin Day Centre for Homeless People
in support of their great work.
"O what peace we often forfeit,
      O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer."
(Comforting words from a hymn which we used recently, encouraging us to pray)
Rector: Rev Kevin Ronné
Office Phone: 01 851 2459
Office Hours: 9.00am to 2.00pm (Tue - Fri)
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